Organic Abstraction

Free your floors from the confines of convention with bold abstract designs and uniquely-shaped rugs that break the mould.

Rugs for the Nonconformists

Tired of predictable decor? Our Organic Abstraction Collection bucks tradition with bold, abstract art and unique silhouettes that defy all rug conventions of the like. Drawing inspiration from the fluid forms of mid-century modern design and the bold graphics of Memphis-era art, these rugs make a statement with their flowing organic shapes and abstract motifs. With hues ranging from earthy neutrals to vibrant palettes, each rug promises to bring excitement back to your floors.

For those done settling for normal rugs, Organic Abstraction offers designs shaped to bend the rules. Unconventional silhouettes. Wavy outlines. Asymmetrical cuts. Think of it as art for your floors. Bringing playful whimsy wherever they sprawl, our free-flowing rugs tell a creative story, one abstract design at a time. Your floors crave creativity too. Organic Abstraction rugs are here to deliver.

But there's more to these rugs than just their good looks. Organic Abstraction also boasts a luxurious feel, with each design featuring high-quality textures that match their vibrant appearance. From plush chenille to soft cotton-feel fibres, these rugs create cosy, indulgent spaces. Durable jute options enhance visual richness and offer versatility for both indoor and outdoor settings, making them ideal for areas where the Aussie sun graces like patios and porches, or back inside within high-traffic areas of your home.

Beyond their look and feel, Organic Abstraction rugs perform like no other. Let's face it, nobody lives in display homes. Made for real life, these beauties feature stain-resistant fibres on a patented machine washable system. From wine spills to toddler mishaps, to muddy paw prints – they handle it all, wash after wash. Their non-slip base and non-toxic materials also mean they were made with the highest of standards – ready to deliver only the best for your well-loved space. Get ready to welcome home rugs that defy convention – looks and performance wise.


Where does the inspiration for these stunning designs come from?

The Organic Abstraction Collection draws inspiration from the vibrant energy of mid-century modern art and the playful experimentation reflected through the Memphis design style. Think flowing organic shapes, bold colours, and a touch of whimsy on a fully machine washable canvas!

Will introducing abstract elements into my space make my interiors look too busy?

While the collection features bold patterns, the use of negative space and a curated colour palette ensures they remain visually interesting without overwhelming a room. We offer a range of colourways, from jewel tones to earthy neutrals, allowing you to find the perfect balance for your décor – should you prefer vibrant pops of colour, or more neutral options.

I've never seen rugs shaped like these! Can you tell me more?

Absolutely! One of the hallmarks of the Organic Abstraction Collection is its unique, wavy silhouettes. Some of the collection's designs move beyond the traditional rectangle, offering playful cuts together with conversation-starting designs that will add a touch of personality to your space.

Can I use these rugs under both sunshine and shade?

The collection offers versatile textures, catering to various areas of the home based on their feel. We have plush, cosy chenille and cotton-feel rugs perfect for creating an indulgent indoor atmosphere. Additionally, the collection boasts durable jute designs perfect for patios, porches, and even high-traffic areas inside your home.

Are these beautiful rugs durable enough for everyday life?

We understand your home is for living, not just looking pretty. That's why Organic Abstraction rugs feature durable high-quality materials, stain-resistant fibres, and a patented machine washable system. From everyday spills, to toddler mishaps, to muddy paw prints – these rugs were made to endure the energetic antics of a busy, well-loved home.

How much do these unique rugs cost?

We believe beautiful designs shouldn't break the bank. The Organic Abstraction Collection offers surprisingly affordable options. Explore the collection to find the perfect statement piece within your budget.

The Double System

Our rug system is simple and uncomplicated, designed to come apart in two layers. The durable and nonslip base provides grip and stability, while your unique top layer can be peeled off and machine washed whenever you need it. No worries!