Donating 100% of profits for Tiarna’s Curated Edit in celebration of NAIDOC Week

National NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia in the first week of July each year (Sunday to Sunday), to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth.

This year, we’re celebrating NAIDOC week by acknowledging the indigenous artists, creators and designers who inspire us. We sat down with indigenous Australian artist, Tiarna Herczeg, to explore her art, history and culture.

What's the first thing we should know about you?

I have an INFJ personality type, Cancer sun, Scorpio moon & Pisces rising… I’m kind of in my own world over here (Triple water signs). So you could say that I take what I do very seriously & personally.

Tell us about your art, what do you take from your heritage as a Kuku Yalanji person that translates to your work? Describe your art to us

Well, I’d say it's my belief system that deeply influences my work. That being that I belong to the land rather it belongs to me. Knowing that I’m never alone & having a deep amount of trust in ancestors.

My work is best understood through knowing me, knowing my culture and stepping outside of Western maps. My artworks are intuitive and because of this I view my practice as a spiritual exchange of energy between myself and the canvas… so the work informs me.

How would you describe your interior style?

Look, I'm a sucker for 20th century design. The exploration of new technologies and design, function over form, all that stuff. Although I feel limited by space & money, I try to pull inspiration from some of my favorite designers where possible. Being crammed into small Sydney apartments I’d say I can just about make anywhere a home. Drawing from bold colors like green & blue and incorporating elements like silver, glass and wood.

What is the most treasured object in your possession and why?

I don't usually feel sentimental towards personal objects so I tend to discard a lot of old memories, however I'm deeply grateful that I held onto my teenage diaries. Sounds a bit cringe, but over the years I've tried out many different versions of myself & slowly watched as I retreated back into the person I wish I could grow up to be when I was 14.

In celebration of NAIDOC week, we’re donating 100% of profits on Tiarna’s favourite rugs to First Nations Response.

July 2 - 9


First Nations Response (FNR) is a grassroots Aboriginal Women-led organization that was founded in 2020 during the covid lockdown era to provide culturally appropriate support and urgent food relief to the Inner-West and Inner-City of Sydney mobs.

As Aboriginal women, mothers, and aunties, we are inspired by our ancestors and those who have preceded us to bring about positive changes in our communities. In support of urban Aboriginal communities, our team makes extraordinary efforts to meet the complex needs of our communities. Our work has since become a crucial part of the support that is accessed by the most vulnerable members of our community and the broader community in general.

Although we are primarily focused on providing food relief to the community, we also provide ongoing support and assistance to the community as needed. We do this to the extent that our resources and abilities allow. FNR has responded to flooding, protests, vigils, sorry business, deaths in custody, and the support of women escaping domestic violence, providing furniture and household essentials.

Having a pop-up shop three days a week in Redfern and Marrickville, and delivering to Elders is something we're pretty proud of. Most recently, FNR provided Christmas hampers, groceries, toys, and gift cards to 400 families. It was an essential pop-up to make sure our community could enjoy the holidays together and with their loved ones.

To cover the costs associated with the work we do in the community, we are aiming to raise $100,000 in 2023. The funds raised will allow us to continue our vital work across our communities.

Any donation or support would be greatly appreciated. If you’d like to reach out to us to offer any support or for any further information, please contact us on